WHEW! My arm/body/back/left thumb/left index finger are aching! LOL I just finished cutting 30 spools of ribbon today! I received the 30 spools yesterday! They completed the spools for the December ribbon share. They are ALL cut, bundled and boxed. YAY! :) I have sealed up all December share boxes that did not opt for the striped add on. Those will be mailed on Monday or Tuesday at the latest! If you were in the December share only, look for ribbon in your mailbox this week! YAY!
The January grosgrain ribbon came in yesterday as well. There were 5 spools back ordered, but I contacted the company and they have already shipped. I will be addressing boxes and cutting ribbon this next week as I wait for the remainder of the grosgrain to arrive.
I have received 6 spools of Hunter Green striped ribbon so far for the striped share. Much more is on the way already. I have an estimated delivery date of the 24th for that. There IS a back order situation for a couple colors of the striped ribbon. I have e-mailed the company and asked for a substitution in size OR a different patterned ribbon. I will keep you informed about this as I hear back from them. I do not intend to hold the ribbon for a long period of time. I am trying to get the company to substitute. If that does not happen and I feel it will be too long, I will re-evaluate what is best for all.
I have received several checks this week. Since I cut off the share almost 1 week ago, I am hoping the rest of the payments will get here soon. :) I need your payment ASAP if you have not mailed it already.
Thanks again to all who joined my ribbon shares. :)
I am looking into POLKA DOTS and other different ribbons for upcoming shares. As always I will post the info on my blog, so check back often as these shares fill up FAST!
Have a wonderful day! HUGS!
Hey Jody pls feel free to call me when you need help. I am always available to assist... count me in for the polka dot ribbon....hugs and have a restful Sunday.
OMG I am SO excited!!!!! Thanks so much for doing this for us Jody!