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Aug 11, 2007

My Sweet Madeline!

The other day I was stamping and my cutie 7 year old asked if she could stamp also. I asked her what she wanted to stamp and she asked for a "sample" to copy. LOL So, I went through some recent RAKs I had received and found one that was perfect for her!

The card was sent to me by Janice Keys! The card is REALLY cute and Maddie had a stamp set that she could substitute and still copy the card well. :)

This is what she came up with. :) She copied it right down to the patterned paper and ribbon! I give her free reign with my paper scraps and my ribbon (yes, REALLY lol). I cringed a little when she chose my pretty pink, velvet ribbon but that is what she wanted so I kept my mouth shut. LOL She wrapped the ribbon all the way around the card, so it doesn't open, but is oh so cute. She even cut a piece of card stock to cover up the tape marks on the back of her card. That's my girl! :) Very detail oriented! LOL
I just wanted to share my little stamper's card with you all. :) And thank you Janice Keys for your inspiration. :)
Have a wonderful day!


  1. What a sweet card! In hindsight with a 15 year old daughter now, I wish I would have given her free reign in my stamping room much more often!


  2. Awwww, Maddie did such a beautiful job on her card...beautiful colors and patterned paper choice, and of course that pink velvet ribbon is absolutely perfect Ü! Awesome job, Maddie!

  3. So cute! My daughter just made a card too the other day and asked me to post on my blog...haha! They are so cute at this age. She did a fantastic job!! You both should be very proud!

  4. What wonderful memories you are making with your daughter! Awesome!

  5. Sooo cute! She did a fantastic job -- the apple doesn't fall far from the tree! :) I just posted my daughter's card on my blog, too!

  6. This is super sweet!!!

  7. Such a great job she did. The coloring is great too.

  8. They start "CASE"-ing so young these days, don't they? Very cute! She must have been thrilled to see it up on your blog! - Trish


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